Grooming on the Alpine Hill of the Sprint and Distance Course. Pic Credit: Erik Blow
The fresh corduroy has been laid and it is time to ski! The crew at Spirit Mountain has been super busy these past few days putting some final touches on the course. With plenty of base and solid packing, the conditions are shaping up to be quite perfect for the upcoming race!

Pushing out some corners. Pic Credit: Erik Blow
From now until this Thursday (12/2), a limited version of the course will be available to ski. A Spirit Mountain Nordic Day pass must be purchased before skiing, and you can find the link to those HERE. On Friday (12/3), the course will be open for preview and there will be no charge. If you plan on skiing here before Friday, please know that the snowmakers will still be working hard to make the course as perfect as it can be, so please be courteous of their efforts and stay on the designated nordic areas. We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and we are looking forward to seeing everyone in Duluth in less than a week!